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Sunday, June 16, 2013

THE FAITHFUL BEWARE or They only want your money


The Faithful BEWARE


They only want your money

I recently had the extremely eye opening and wallet draining experience becoming a minister in one of those online ordination sites.  I was asked to officiate at my daughter's wedding and perform a ceremony at death for another person,  I was warned by my daughter that if they charge, they are most likely a fraud designed to bleed you dry in the name of religion.  I found one that lists "Some folks want to get ordained to be just wedding ministers and that is totally acceptable".  (I found out later that was not exactly true.  Soon after joining there was a newsletter sent out saying that if you were not being an active minister, performing a minister's duty then they should quit.) Even though I did research I was still unprepared for the bank-draining slippery slope.  I should have realized the scam when the "leader" made sure I stayed away from the other organizations with similar names to their organization.  I was told those others were not "real" religions and if I should associate at all with them I would be "terminated."  It set me aback; terminated?  I was not an employee but a nondenominational independent minister.  I let that slip by unchallenged.  Maybe it was thought I wouldn't understand any other description of why I shouldn't associate with them.  That was warning sign # 1.  Don't compare EVER! You may find out the scam


The first charge was for my ordination packet.  The ordination was free but I had to purchase the "Required To Purchase Their Ministerial Credentials. Credentials of Ministry Are Required By Law. "  OK, there is a charge but hey, they are supposedly a not for profit organization and the printing and filing and mailing should be covered by me.  I should have known that, holding my ordination hostage and worthless until paying for the "required documentation", was warning sign # 2. Pay or not official


I received my documents after paying for them and HEY! A free Doctorate of Divinity. Say What?!  Why do so many attend Christian colleges and invest so much money and time when they can get it for free and then can use the prefix Dr. and suffix D.D.?  I was thrilled that a life long calling to Christ was finally coming true.  I had no real plans for anything beside performing a wedding or two but, back to previously mentioned newsletter, it was expected that I do more than just the occasional wedding. Warning #3. Pressured to do something that was not as first advertised


OK, that is 3 warnings I passed by but I did have a calling so, I decided to start a "The Digital Ministry" church.  I am on some medications that can affect my memory if I don't write it down or need reminding.  I started a website to minister through blogs and video sermons. In addition, I listed information on weddings, funerals, etc. on the website. I even lined up a fund raising campaign.   The only thing I had active was the blog.  The fund raising and video sermons had to wait. I was waiting for the ability to purchase (I know more $) my bishop certificate and my church charter.  These were needed to be an official church.  $10.00 to become a bishop and $50.00 for the church charter.  Warning # 4.  Money buys anything these days


On what I had to buy, there seemed to be an extremely expensive mailing costs that I was charged.  It was explained to me as "In accord with our phone conversation, order totals cannot exceed 25 items, the system only calculates shipping of $9.95 for the first item ordered and $4.95 for each additional item ordered up to 25."  There has to be a more cost effective way to send these out.  I did email the "leader" once because I wasn't sure if I had received all items.  The tracking numbers didn't include items associated with it.  To add to the confusion on my part, items showed up in separate mailings.  One conversation with the "leader" and all items were verified as received.  Little did I know that a few weeks after, this was thrown back in my face and implied I was trying to pull something over on them.  Warning #5. Vengeance is mine sayeth the "leader"


I had been asked to contribute blogs to their web page.  I jumped right in and was sending a blog every week.  The "leader" told me to back off and send one a month or so.  I complied and didn't send any for three or four weeks.  I was reprimanded by the "leader" for not submitting any more blogs.  He didn't seem to care that he told me to cut back, plus I had been working several hours a day on the upcoming radio show.  He kept saying that I was not doing as I had said I would.  Warning #6.  Don't do as I say, do as is convenient to me even if I don't know it


Now for the kicker; the "leader" had asked for people to host a weekly spot on their radio show.  I agreed as it was said  "$25 monthly donation on or around the 15th".  Indulge me a moment while I add the definition of donation:  The Merriam-Webster Dictionary 

 noun \dō-ˈnā-shən\
Definition of DONATION
: the act or an instance of donating: as 
 a : the making of a gift especially to a charity or public institution
b : a free contribution : gift

Correct me if I am wrong but, if a specified amount is required, isn't that a fee?  Donations are gifts.


Warning # 7.  Words are twisted and redefined to sound better


I worked tirelessly on the blogs and the first radio program and was quite disappointed that I might not be able to broadcast my piece because the $25.00 monthly fee (donation) may be more than I can manage.  I am a disabled American living on a fixed income.  I spent any savings, however meager, on certificates, titles, charters, etc.  I contacted the "leader" to say I am having a hard time fitting in the $25.00 monthly donation (fee) and I was going to take the night to pray and figure anything out.  I told him I was not backing away from the program as of yet; I will see what I can come up with.  That was when I received the wrath of God,  err,  I mean, the "leader".  He even accused me of not composing my clogs, that I had copied other people's blogs.  I can assure you, with certainty, the only copying done were Bible writings and those were identified with book and chapter identification.  His premise was my blogs were composed better than my emails.  The two are separate and different styles.  I worked hours on the blogs and minutes on emails.  Of course the styles are different. I use spell check and grammar check on my blogs, nothing on emails.  Warning #8. What's up with this guy


The following are the emails that were written between myself and "leader".  The only editing done was to remove the "leader's" name and affiliation.  My emails are black text and in italics,  "leader's"

text is red and bold. You be the judge......

Bro. “leader”,
Do you know whet time slot my radio program will be scheduled for? 
I will be submitting a recorded show. 
When I upload the piece, how does it know when to broadcast? 
I don’t want to upload it and have it go on the air in the wrong time slot.

You record through the studio. You will be on Monday at 7PM. we will forward instructions after we get payment of the $25 monthly donation on or around the 15th

I didn’t realize there is a $25.00 monthly donations.  I can’t swing that, not just yet.  My ministry has, as of yet, not brought in any funds.  To date it has been totally out of my pocket.  I am sure you remember my income is through disability and it isn’t that much.  I need to focus my monetary limitations into building my home and digital ministry.  For now, I guess I will have to withdraw from radio participation.  Once my ministry costs lighten up, charter costs et al, I will reconsider the radio participation.  I do apologize but I do not want to enter into a program that I may not be able to maintain.  I am sure you would prefer a sustainable participation and not one that may or may not be able to commit.

I am so sorry and promise I will reconsider once funds allow. 

We made that very clear. Peter if your money is that tight? Perhaps you shouldn't consider doing this kind of work. Why would you order a Charter if you are that hard up where you can't afford $25.00? Than the day after you order a decal and a rosary?
You spend money you don't have on three things you really didn't need, but here is something that can help others and cause you to become active and you change your mind. Plus last month your purchased stuff you really did need.
I asked you for long term commitment, Peter this is just not going to work. I think you need to give it up.

Br “leader”

You may be right.  I heard the $25.00 but didn’t realize it was monthly.  As far as giving it up, it wouldn’t surprise me.  Every time I have answered my calling, something comes along and derails it.  I had hoped that this time would be different.  I am going to do some heavy praying and reflecting before making any final decisions.  The negative powers are still after me.  I pray there is points for trying over and over again.

It is not your decision, but it is our decision. You can purchase all these other items, but when it comes down to doing it, you choose to back off. You are not in this for just recognition as a Minister or Bishop, you are in this to be active and to take action as a disciple of Christ. You are the one who derails it by refusing to perform duties, you simply want the recognition for what it is you do not deserve. Do you really want to be Minister or do you just want others looking at you as a Minister?

Brother “leader”

Actually I am not backing off the radio by choice.  God knows the hours of research and writing I have done for the first show.  I have spent hours on the blogs.  I have a nursing home that I planned on visiting on a regular basis and they have my contact if they needed a minister late at night or anytime.  I have a web page I have set up and a couple of campaigns and organizing a small home ministry besides the video ministry to go on line.  So, I do not think I have refused to perform duties, I just can’t commit to $25.00 each and every month without knowing if I will be able to raise the funds through the ministry to afford $25.00 a month.  July was budgeted but I can’t count on that every month.  I felt it best to be up front once I realized the monthly monetary.  As far as the rosary, decal, and charter I do not have a rosary so, if I am to minister to any religion, I would need it, especially visiting nursing homes.  The charter is so I can get the home and digital ministries up and running so that my personal money won’t have to support the ministry on its own.  Donations and tithing to a chartered ministry was to fund itself after my initial personal money.  THIS is what I really need to pray about.  I have had the calling for 30 plus years and something always comes up to derail it.  I would have said prior to this that Satan’s minions were the derailers but now?  I don’t know. I need to ask for God’s will to be done.



If you do not do the radio show, you will be terminated for breach of agreement and you will be lucky if we do not seek damages. I was emphatically clear to you we needed long term commitment. There is no excuse.


Brother “leader”


I had every intention of trying to work out the monthly 25.00 you demand from me to do your radio program.  I don’t do well with threats and accusations.  I had asked that I be given the night to think and pray on my ability to maintain 25.00 monthly.  I hope it is not your intent to drive me away, look at my prior email below!  And, how dare you say I am only doing this as recognition and not do ministerial duties!  Shame on you and you  unchristian-like  accusations and bullying tactics. The bit about taking down the image of my Bishop Appointment was due to one of YOUR prior emails accusing me of wanting to make people believe I am a minister and not wanting to do the work.  I took it down because you perceived it to be a bragging and status showing off.  I humbly removed it out of humility and what becomes of it?  Your nasty voice mail.  Each time I come to the decision to complete my mission, nay my calling, you show me nothing but high-pressured bullying.

Stop bullying me while I pray for guidance.  Each time you do, I start writing a resignation but stop because I am called.  Please BACK OFF! while I pray.


The time for prayer should of been before you agreed to do this, not after you submit a title, description and your promise to do the show.
This is not bullying, you already committed, we promoted it and you are backing out. You came to us, we set everything up and than you dropped the ball. You can attempt to put whatever spin you want on this, but it is you taking the path of a coward, leaving us high and dry and causing our good name great harm, not to mention it is a slap in the face toward Christians and Jesus Christ.
One thing I absolutely will not tolerate is someone who makes a promise and than pulls the plug making this institution look bad in the public eye. It will not happen without severe consequences to the individual I assure you.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it Peter, Ministers do not lie, cheat and attempt to steal recognition that is not due.
~ Brother “leader”

What is your PROBLEM!  I said I was tying to work this out YET you say things like “Put that in your pipe and smoke it Peter, Ministers do not lie, cheat and attempt to steal recognition that is not due.”
Stop bullying me!  Please BACK OFF! while I pray.?  Are you trying to force me out?

What do you mean force you out? We are going to proceed with fraud and misrepresentation charges? You will not get a way with this. You came to us, you gave to us a title and description. We will do everything we can to seek damages and to insure you will not do this to anyone ever again.

Brother “leader”

You have made this a hostile environment. I had said, all along I must have misunderstood the 25.00 monthly commitment to pay you for my services on the radio.  I said I would need a night to pray and work things out.  YOU HAVE TAKEN THE POSITION OF HOSTILITY AND AN ATTEMPT AT DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER.  You have made my decision for me.  I will no longer avail myself to an organization that represents itself with Christian virtue  yet displays anything but Christian.  I did not misrepresent myself OR commit fraud.  I said all along I misunderstood and needed a night to work through.  I had intended to email you that I would do the shows but you have made that impossible to continue.  I am truly devastated by your insensibility and not waiting for me to figure out a way to make the finances work.  IT IS YOU that have made this choice, I tried to work it through and was all set to send you an email with the assurance I would continue with the broadcast.  Too bad you beat it to me and berated me and try to defame my faith.  I assure there is nothing I am trying to get away with.  You have made it impossible to tell you I would continue with plans for the radio.  Use the 50.00 I sent you for Church Charter to ease my conscience.     I hope you the best, and God bless

 Furthermore you lied when you became ordained with us. You are a homosexual. The Christian Doctrine strictly forbids such behavior especially by Ministers. You are a Big Liar. Ascertainining a Christian ordination when you do not adhere to the Christian Doctrine of Faith is another act of fraud and misrepresentation.

Brother “leader”


What?  now I am a homosexual? What proof have you of my sexual orientation, remembering I am a father of 2 and grandfather.  I stopped with the blogs for a few weeks YOU said I was submitting too many and people would not read through them.  And as far as Christian Doctrine, I am a Christian! PERIOD!  I take medication that does play with memories, ask my daughter. (oh yeah, You think I am gay).  Please cease communications to me.  Instead, address them to my lawyer.  He is in the Cc section.  Again, I am sorry you couldn’t wait the night for me to figure things out.

Again, God bless

Good than your lawyer is a witness, regarding proof of your self proclaimed homosexual behavior.....Your Facebook page (See attachment). Those blogs are copied and pasted without citations, that is plagiarism - They are not your blogs.
 Since your lawyer is present this is a Cease and Desist, future correspondence will be deemed harassment. You know where we stand, we know where you stand. You brought this on yourself.
~ Brother “leader

I don't know what your take on the email string but I kept trying to work through and honor the commitment and told "leader" to give me the night to work it out.  Each time he became more and more belligerent.  Oh and the Facebook attachment, he neglected to copy the next section that said  I checked men because there wasn't anything that said mankind.  I have a clear conscience and still secure in my walk with Christ.

Now his threatening voicemail:

Thank you for reading and God Bless.

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